LAGGGG fix please

The first completed Nublar mod, by Draco and hppav!

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LAGGGG fix please

Post by The Rescue Team »

I know no one has posted here in a while but i really want to experience this level right so does any one know of quick fix for the lagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.... It would be really appreciated.
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Re: LAGGGG fix please

Post by hppav »

Turn down draw distance to minimum, that's about all you can do. Draco went a tad bit overboard with the vegetation. :P
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Re: LAGGGG fix please

Post by Draconisaurus »

What settings are you trying to run the level at? EastDock is a pretty damn dense level. I've always been meaning to get around to an optimized release.. but it would still be pretty dense. There are several things you can do to increase performance.
  1. Turn draw distance down.
  2. Never run in higher than 640x480.
  3. If all else fails, turn the Quality down either via the slider in Options>Video or by hitting the [ and ] keys ingame.
I would recommend staying in 256 max-texture-res rather than 128, so that certain things are seeable etc. However, Quality turns this down anyway..

EDIT: Thanx Sam xP A future release of ED may make better use of the Priority function, for foliage density management, but somehow there is already a lot of this going on when you turn the Quality slider down, as you'll see. Most important place to be careful is just a few moments after you enter the jeep, btw.
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Re: LAGGGG fix please

Post by The Rescue Team »

yeah i already tried those things i guess my computer just is awful. Also with low settings the level goes at an okay speed until past the huge gate on the other side of the tunnel at the beggining.
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Re: LAGGGG fix please

Post by Draconisaurus »

It gets bad after the gate? That's unexpected.. It should be worst just before the gate (due to the 24-bit rain), or in the starting area.
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Re: LAGGGG fix please

Post by machf »

Draconisaurus wrote:What settings are you trying to run the level at? EastDock is a pretty damn dense level. I've always been meaning to get around to an optimized release.. but it would still be pretty dense. There are several things you can do to increase performance.
  1. Turn draw distance down.
  2. Never run in higher than 640x480.
  3. If all else fails, turn the Quality down either via the slider in Options>Video or by hitting the [ and ] keys ingame.
I would recommend staying in 256 max-texture-res rather than 128, so that certain things are seeable etc. However, Quality turns this down anyway..

EDIT: Thanx Sam xP A future release of ED may make better use of the Priority function, for foliage density management, but somehow there is already a lot of this going on when you turn the Quality slider down, as you'll see. Most important place to be careful is just a few moments after you enter the jeep, btw.
You know, after all that was being said the other day about HardwareOnly and SoftwareOnly, I was going to mention something about that... Priority allows you to specify which things are drawn on different Quality settings. Things with Priority=1 get drawn all the time, even at the lowest Quality level, things with higher Priority values will only be drawn if Quality is set to higher values. Quality goes from 0 to 4, and I've seen Priority set from 1 to 3. As for textures, setting bool NoLowRes = true will force something to be drawn at maximum resolution. And you already know about bool MipMap = false
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Re: LAGGGG fix please

Post by Draconisaurus »

machf wrote:As for textures, setting bool NoLowRes = true will force something to be drawn at maximum resolution. And you already know about bool MipMap = false
:| Jesus, what?? What if the registry/ini has it set at 128, will this "force" it into true resolution? Either way that's pretty helpful.... It should also be used in something like Isle. Isle was released with the quality already turned down, and turning it up again does reduce FPS for me a fair bit. Maybe certain important things can be given that.. etc.. Then again, it's a big question WHAT should have that value.. I'll have to experiment, anyway.
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