Fun Facts and Trivia about Trespasser

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Re: Fun Facts and Trivia about Trespasser

Post by tatu »

TheIdiot wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:29 am
ThatZenoGuy wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 11:47 am Same thing with the Ingen Town "Plains" area! Its also a location that isn't really supposed to exist! D;
From the evidence I've noticed, I believe this actually depicts this area of the Plains level relatively accurately to how it might have appeared in an early build. If you look at the mountains to the west of the road (behind the Rexes) in TresEd, there is a significant portion of the terrain that looks like it was hastily edited and raised in order to block off a path between the hills in a similar fashion to the edits done elsewhere in later builds. We'd have to see a build of Plains to really know, but I do wonder whether at least the terrain remained mostly the same throughout builds. I actually lowered and smoothed out this area in the Isla Sorna mod in order to open a potential future path into the Plains area.
From what I've noticed is that between Build 96 and Build 116, they added a lot of terrain objects to the Plains part, which makes me also believe it was added very late. The area towards the dam also fits very well with this 1997 3ds Max photo:
Click on Image
(Click on thumbnail for full size)
So my bet is also that it came from an actual Plains version, and not something they just added on and made from scratch. We do know some of the terrain objects fits very well with the Plains 3ds Max scene we have, both naming and the grouping they have. The only thing I would think they made from scratch is the foliage placements.
Active project: Trespasser: Isla Sorna
BE-PH1: Released
PH2-IT: Pre-released
PL-SUM: In production

"...there used to be more benches, but InGen's workers removed them during the evacuation in the name of framerate."
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