T-Scripts: Examples and Uses

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T-Scripts: Examples and Uses

Post by Rebel »


A. All herbivores (including the stegasaur) must be changed to
carnivore status. In order to do this, simply change the TScript
value; int ArcheType = 1 to int ArcheType = 0 within the steg's
TScript. The value, int ArcheType = -1 can also allow a steg to
eat. Though a herbivore with int ArcheType = -1 tends to ignor
the player, it will at times attack. (Please be certain that action
bool ActEat = true is also listed within TScript Values)

Food Sources: Generally, any object labeled AIType = 3, which
equates to bone, carcass, flesh, et cetera can be used. Mostly,
in order to properly present the stegasaur as feeding, the food
cube would be labeled invisible (bool Visible = false) and placed
within certain target plants.


A. A water object needs to be tangible, (should be invisible and
placed just beneath a body of water) and the value int AIType = 15
must be included within your water object's TScript values. A thin
box works nicely as it can become a part of the water's basin and
not interfer with either a dino or a player's walking action while
in the water itself. Beyond being certain that the value bool Act
Drink = true is included within a raptor's tscript values, there's
nothing else to it except to add the 'raptor drink' audio trigger
to your level which can be found alongside other vocal triggers in
the tc level (basement area).


A. To understand what a collision trigger does and how it reacts,
you simply need to understand the term, 'collision'. It can be a
collision between two objects, just one object, or it can be non-
tangible, meaning, the collision of sound. To better understand
this, below is an example similar to the 'shooter' triggers found
in the tc.level.

string Class = "CCollisionTrigger"
string Element1 = "RAPTOR-HEAD"
bool SoundMaterial1 = true
string Element2 = "BULLET"
bool SoundMaterial2 = true
int FireCount = 1

group Action00 = {
int AlphaChannel = 0
int ActionType = 0
string Sample = "VA141"
float Attenuation = 0.000000
float Volume = -5.000000

The above example uses sound to satisfy the trigger's conditions,
which in this case is a 'bullet' sound impacting against the sec-
ond sound, 'Raptor-Head'. If you are familiar with the dinosaurs
in Trespasser then you may recall that raptor's have three parti-
cular string objects attached to them; a tail, body and head and
they make up the tangible parts of the dino. Each of these string
models have a sound assigned. In our example, the 'RAPTOR-HEAD'
sound is attached to the value; string Element 1. Naturally, the
other, our 'bullet' sound, is attached to string Element 2. Now,
in order to satify the above trigger, these two sounds need to
'collide' with one another. Once this occurs, the groupAction00,
which plays the string Sample "VA141" (Anne VoiceOver) is activat-
ed. (Note the actiontype '0' which corresponds to audio).

Some items to note: Whenever desiring sound to detect collision,
the values bool SoundMaterial1 (and SoundMaterial2) must be
entered into the tscript of the trigger. Having two SoundMaterials
to satisfy the trigger isn't necessary, of course, as you can simply
use one sound to do this. eg. Shot a gun, a bullet sound has been
recorded and the trigger will fire.

Object Collision Example:

string Class = "CCollisionTrigger"
string Element1 = "Hammer"
string Element2 = "Door" (Door is in Frozen State)
int FireCount = 1

group Action00 = {
int ActionType = 10
string Target = "Door"
bool Frozen = false

Note, the omission of the SoundMaterials (1 and 2) since we desire
this to be a 'physical' collision of two objects. In this example,
our 'Door' is locked (or frozen) and cannot be opened until a col-
lision between our example 'Door' and a 'Hammer' has occurred. In
the group Action (00), this trigger points to an object (the door)
and 'unfreezes' once trigger fires. Note the actiontype for this
type of event, ActionType = 10 and the fact that not just any ob-
ject would unfreeze this door, but only the 'Hammer'. Of course,
any object can do the trick, this is just an example. (The script
above also happens to create a puzzle too!)

Lastly, if you've noticed, collision triggers can be used to trig-
ger a variety of events, specified of course, by your desires and
the actiontype chosen.

Q.I am using two location triggers. They are meant to be
entered in order, but if a player reached the second trigger first
how can I stop the other trigger from ever firing?

A. We'll use an example for this:

group PlayerGotoLab = {
string OverlayText = "Hmm. Maybe I should try the lab.... "
int ActionType = 34
int FireCount = 1
string FireExpression = "!PlayerInsideLab"
PlayerEnterTrigger = true
string Class = "CLocatonTrigger"

group PlayerInsideLab = {
sound Sample = "VH12"
int ActionType = 1
int FireCount = 1
PlayerEnterTrigger = true
string Class = "CLocationTrigger"

Looking over the scripts above, they correspond to separate trig-
gers. The first, giving a hint to the player by way of a textover
that they should look elsewhere, the second, a voiceover sample,
(so let us assume that the voiceover tells the player something of
importance and that, was what they were looking for). Therefore,
it is no longer desirable that the first trigger 'PlayerGotoLab',
displays its hint if the player has already found the lab and has
set off the trigger, 'PlayerInsideLab'.

To avoid becoming complicated here, just for argument sakes, let
us say that the value inside of trigger 'PlayerGotoLab', string
FireExpression = "!PlayerInsideLab" is monitoring whether or not
the player has entered the Lab. So long as the player hasn't the
hint will display since the FireExpression !(Not)PlayerInsideLab
is actually a true statement and the trigger is still valid, or
in an 'active' state. On the otherhand, if the player has reach-
ed the lab before the hint trigger, the expression is no longer
a true statement and the trigger will not fire.

The above is perhaps rather confusing, but there are active ex-
amples that can be studied by using TresEd. One example, can be
found inside the Ascent2 level (elevator) and another example of
this scripting can be found in the Summit Level. Goto Trig_Cir-
cleFight at the top of the Summit (the raptor and CBoss location
trigger) to look over some active scripts and perhaps gain a bet-
ter understanding of their use. The Summit example you may note
is directly tied into the easteregg 'Ozymandias'.

Q. Herbivores move rather slowly, anyway to speed them up?

A. The short answer is, yes.

TScript Value: float Speed = ?.000000 Consider default as 1,
and the value is used in original dreamworks levels to slow the
larger herbivores rather than speeding any dino up. The values
can be added to any dinosaur tscript, though results vary. For
example, using the value to increase a raptor's speed often re-
sults in the raptor literally tripping over itself. However, a
moderate increase to the value of four-legged herbivore creates
a decent result. (An example of this value used in tscript can
be found in the lab level, the stegasaur)

Q. I'm designing (editing) a level. How do I spawn a Raptor?

A. Three things must exist: The Raptor, a trigger which would
trigger the event and the destination, which is often a simple
cube with type 1 Geometry.

Here's the Scripts:

group Trig_SpawnRaptor = {
string Class = "CLocationTrigger"
bool PlayerEnterTrigger = true
int FireCount = 1
int AlphaChannel = 0
int ActionType = 18
string ObjectName = "RaptorC-01"
string TeleportDestObjectName = "Teleport_RaptorToHere"
bool HeightRelative = true
bool SetPosition = true
bool SetOrientation = true

group Teleport_RaptorToHere = {
bool Visible = false
int ext_GeometryType = 1

As you have probably guessed by looking over the scripts, not
much to it. Here, we are using a location trigger to initiate
the teleport of RaptorC-01, though you can just as easily have
used a Collision trigger to do this. To mimic the tnext cheat,
you can teleport our Anne as well by simply inputting 'Player'
as the variable in the string ObjectName.

Q. What is an Object Trigger?

A. As the name implies, it is a trigger which reacts to an as-
signed object.

The three common values are: PickupObject, PutDownObject and


group Trig_AnneGrabGun = {
string Class = "CObjectTrigger"
string A00 = "BigGun"
bool PickUpObject = true
int FireCount = 1
int AlphaChannel = 0
int ActionType = 0
string Sample = "VA21"

Quite simple, and self-explanatory. Any action can be assigned
within the scripts, as well as the fact that as the value string
A00 might have hinted to you, you can assign more than one object
to initialize the trigger.

string A00 = "BigGun"
string A01 = "AnotherGun"
string A02 = "SomeOtherModel"

... and et cetera.

Q. I just imported two Raptors from pre-existing levels and
they keep fighting each other. How can I stop that

A. Dinosaurs are assigned team values, ie. int Team = 15. To be
certain that your desired dinos remain friends, simply edit their
scripting accordingly. Their herbivore or carnivore status isn't
important; providing they are assigned the same team, a Steg and
a Rex would get along... Isn't that nice? :)

Q. I just imported several Raptors and a TRex into my level
but the Rex doesn't fend off the attacking Raptors. What's wrong

A. Depending upon which levels the dinosaurs were exported from,
The Raptors may be missing their AITypes which identifies an ob-
ject, such as attacking Raptors, as Dinosaurs. Easily rectified
by being certain that the value; int AIType = 2 is present with-
in the Dinosaur's $Models; Head, Body and Tail.

Q. While building my level, I have added some vegetation but
I'm not hearing any sound effects while I walk thru them. What
happened to the 'swoosh'

A. The plants themselves do not generate any sound, that happens
by way of invisible terrain_objects assigned a particular sound;
ie. string SoundMaterial = "VEGE2"

Complete tscript as follows:

group TrnObj_Veg02-00 = {
string Class = "CTerrainObj"
int Height = 100
string SoundMaterial = "VEGE2"
float Culling = 10.000000
int ext_GeometryType = 2

The terrain_object itself is nothing more than a flat plane and
a blank texture with a blank (black) opacity map which creates a
transparent texture. You must place an instance (or copy) of the
model, centered beneath each plant which you desire to produce a

Q. How can I create a distant gunshot sound by using triggers?

A. Consider the TScript below a guide as to how you accomplish a
sound (effects only) emitting from a distance.

group audiotrigger = {
group Action00 = {
string Sample = "GUN - RUGER REDHAWK 01"
int ActionType = 23
string Emitter = "SomeObject"
bool Attach = true
int FireCount = 1
bool PlayerEnterTrigger = true
string Class = "CLocationTrigger"
int ext_GeometryType = 2

'SomeObject', could be a rock, piece of wood, et cetera. Whatever
object is chosen, it needs to be tangible. The further the object
is in relation to its location trigger the more distant the sound
will become. Using multiple actions, ie. action00, action01, and
so on, you can have multiple sounds emitting from varied distance
and/or directions.

(Thanks goes to Tomi for posing the question)

Q. How do you make a dead dinosaur?

A. You would use kill trigger settings, though use those values in
a start trigger as shown below.

group Trig_KillDinoStart = {
string Class = "CStartTrigger"
int FireCount = 1
int ActionType = 17
string ObjectName = "SomeDino"
float HitPoints = 100.000000

Q. Can you make dinosaurs stay near other dinosaurs?

A. Of course! Any tangible object will do, and that includes dinos
or even player. The partial script below is from the tc.level which
holds the Baby Steg near its Mama.

group Baby = {
int Archetype = 1
int Team = 4
bool ActLookAround = true
bool ActStayNear = true
string StayNearTarget = "Steg-01"
float StayNearMax = 15.000000
float StayNearOK = 5.000000

(Question submitted by Second Illiteration)

Q. How does an animated control panel work?

A. The example below is a bit involved, though not particularly com-
plicated. Taken from the TC.Level, the following is a breakdown of
the models needed and the TScripts used.

This example is of the broken centrifuge controls. The models used,
along with their associated triggers are;

* brokenbtn_on
* brokenbtn_off
* Broken_panel
* C_BrokenDummy

* TrigBroke_LightOff
* TrigBroke_LightOn
* TrigBroke_Sound
* TrigPlayerPoint-00
* TrigPlayerUnPoint-00

The first four listings are actual models which consists of an 'On'
button, an 'Off' button, our broken display panel and a simple model
strip consisting of faces which is textured with the additional tex-
tures required by the first three models mentioned. The models
have only one texture assigned to them directly, but since the
scriptings call for others this is where the texture strip
(C_BrokenDummy) will serve its purpose as it is assigned all extra
textures used. (In the level there is also a set of dummy buttons
(on,off) as well, but for simplicity, let us assume that all additional
textures are stored on this one texture strip)

So, let's break this down.. ..

group brokenbtn_on = {
int ext_GeometryType = 2
bool Visible = true
float Culling = 15.000000
bool CacheIntersecting = true
string Anim00 = "BTNONWH.BMP"
string Anim01 = "BTNONGR.BMP"
float Interval = -1.000000
int FreezeFrame = 0

Our first script here is our 'On' button. Though there are two ani-
mation strings attached to this model, present settings just does
not allow the animation to run. The int FreezeFrame = '0' sets
the model at its own texture (the texture model was imported
with) and defaults the float Interval to '-1' which does not allow
the animation to play without trigger intervention.

group brokenbtn_off = {
int ext_GeometryType = 2
bool Visible = true
float Culling = 15.000000
bool CacheIntersecting = true
string Anim00 = "BTNOFFWH.BMP"
string Anim01 = "BTNOFFGR.BMP"
float Interval = -1.000000
int FreezeFrame = 0

Our second script here is our 'Off' button. Again, this script con-
tains the same settings as our 'On' button. Animation cannot play
on without trigger intervention.

group Broken_panel = {
int ext_GeometryType = 2
bool Visible = true
float Culling = 15.000000
bool CacheIntersecting = true
string Anim00 = "PANELB.BMP"
string Anim01 = "panelml1.BMP"
string Anim02 = "panelml2.BMP"
string Anim03 = "panelml3.BMP"
string Anim04 = "panelml4.BMP"
string Anim05 = "panelml1.BMP"
string Anim06 = "panelml2.BMP"
string Anim07 = "panelml3.BMP"
string Anim08 = "panelml4.BMP"
float Interval = -1.000000
int FreezeFrame = 0

Our third script here is the actual control panel script and though
the string animation textures (bmps) obviously differ, its animation
cannot play without trigger intervention.

group C_BrokenDummy = {
int ext_GeometryType = 2
string Class = "CInstance"
bool Visible = false
bool Tangible = true

Our fourth script is attached to the texture strip. This contains
all of the string Anim. 'bmp' files which the previous three scripts
use during the play of their animations.

Setting the stage: Both buttons (On and Off) are dim, our control
panel is dark. Naturally, we want to be able to change all that in
order for these controls to react to us (as player).

Our first step would be to either create or copy the pointer trig-
gers (Hand Point Triggers) whenever Anne has buttons to push,
but I won't cover this area as I'm certain most are aware of
these triggers already. Simply place a copy of these pointer
triggers so that they surround your targets, in this case, our

Now, down to the fun stuff, the triggers. For simplicity purposes
I have combined the trigger, TrigBroke_LightOn with another
trigger, TrigBroke_Sound. We'll cover the Off position first --

group TrigBroke_LightOff = {
int ext_GeometryType = 2
string Class = "CLocationTrigger"
bool ObjectEnterTrigger = true
bool PointTrigger = false
int BoundVol = 1
string TriggerActivate = "$AnneHand+Anne"
float RepeatPeriod = 10.000000
int AlphaChannel = 0
group Action00 = {
int ActionType = 21
string Target = "brokenbtn_off"
int Frame = 1
float Interval = 0.700000
group Action01 = {
int ActionType = 23
string Sample = "SPEC-BUTTONS05"
group Action02 = {
int ActionType = 21
string Target = "brokenbtn_on"
int Frame = 0
float Interval = -1.000000
group Action03 = {
int ActionType = 21
string Target = "Broken_panel"
int Frame = 0
float Interval = -1.000000

The above trigger is actually a small cube, place directly on the
very top of our 'Off' button so that Anne's finger can actually in-
teract with it. Note, that this is a location trigger and can only
be activated by Anne's hand. Also note that there are four actions
within this TScript; Action00, Action01, Action02 and Action03. To
help explain matters, we'll look at all four.


Our target within this action is the 'Off' button. The frame has
switched from being frozen at '0' and is now instructed onto frame
1 at 0.770000 intervals. That's less than a second, and consider-
ing that there are only two frames associated with this button you
will only notice the button light up for a brief second before re-
verting back to its original script settings. (On frame '0')


Ah, an easy one. Simply play this effects sound sample. ;)


Our target within this action is the 'On' button. These settings
simply mimic the object's original settings and are simple. Let's
make sure that the 'On' button isn't lit.


Our target within this action is the 'Control Panel'. Again, these
settings mimic the object's original settings. Let's make sure our
Control Panel is dark and not animated.

Alright, we've just covered what happens when player pushes
the Off button, but what about the 'On'?

Well, below is the trigger script to handle that --

group TrigBroke_Sound = {
int ext_GeometryType = 2
string Class = "CLocationTrigger"
bool ObjectEnterTrigger = true
bool PointTrigger = false
int BoundVol = 1
string TriggerActivate = "$AnneHand+Anne"
float RepeatPeriod = 10.000000
int AlphaChannel = 0
group Action00 = {
int ActionType = 23
string Sample = "SPEC-BUTTONS05"
group Action01 = {
int ActionType = 23
group Action02 = {
int ActionType = 21
string Target = "brokenbtn_off"
int Frame = 0
float Interval = -1.000000
group Action03 = {
int ActionType = 21
string Target = "brokenbtn_on"
int Frame = 1
float Interval = 5.200000
group Action04 = {
int ActionType = 21
string Target = "Broken_panel"
int Frame = 1
float Interval = 0.550000

The above trigger script (as previously stated) is for the 'On'
button and animates the malfunctioning control panel. Again, our
trigger is nothing more than a small cube placed directly on top
of our 'On' button.

There are 5 total Actions involved here. The first two are easy
ones, simple sound samples to play, so we'll just cover Actions,
02,03 and 04.


Our target within this action is the 'Off' button. These settings
simply mimic the object's original settings as explained earlier.
Unlit, no animation --


Our target within this action is the 'On' button. These settings
instruct the animation to play its two frames, though rather slow-
ly. The intervals between frames 1 and 2 is 5.2 seconds. Why this
rather odd timed frame you may ask? We'll get to that in a sec. ;


Our target within this action is the 'Control Panel'. These set-
tings instruction the animation to play it's nine framed animation
at an interval of 0.550000 seconds. As explained earlier, once an
animation reaches its end it reverts back to its original settings
again. (There are looped animations, but that's another topic)

Now, to explain the rationale behind the float intervals (or time
between frames) of our 'On' button and the 'Control Panel'. To be
simple about it, they are simply syncronized to one another. Even
clearer, the 'On' button will stay 'On' for the entire duration of
the Control Panel's malfunction animation. The varied durations in
time allowing for both animations to end together.

There is, of course, more complex animation sequences than the
example just given and a vast amount of varied arrangements
than you can dream up, but regardless of complexity, you will find
that the same values and techniques used here can be applied

(Thanks goes to Tomi (again!) for asking this question) :)